Applied Philanthropy – Master in Wealth Management at the Luxembourg School of Finance - 21.01.2016

For the third consecutive year, Fondation de Luxembourg’s Director General Tonika Hirdman is teaching Applied Philanthropy to the students of the Master in Wealth Management. 


The aim of this class is to give students an overview of the motivations and expectations of today’s philanthropists and how to meet their demands as part of a wealth management proposition. Several contemporary case studies will be used as examples. 


Legal and fiscal aspects are also studied in the context of cross border giving, along with the structures enabling efficient and impact-driven philanthropy.  The overall objective is to give students the tools and understanding that will allow them to advise wealth management clients in their philanthropic strategy and structuring.


Lectures are held by Tonika Hirdman and guest lecturers:

M. Claude Merdernach from Arendt & Medernach law firm

Mrs. Laura Foschi from ADA - Microfinance

Mrs. Hedda Paulson Möller from European Venture Philanthropy Association (EVPA)


More information:

Luxembourg School of Finance:

  • Startdatum : 21.01.2016
  • End-datum : 22.01.2016
image for Applied Philanthropy – Master in Wealth Management at the Luxembourg School of Finance


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