Wealth and Philanthropy in Europe - 05.02.2015

  • Themenbereich

  • Schwerpunkt

  • Region

  • Stiftung

Reporting from the Philanthropy Advisor Event, held on February 5, 2015.


Philanthropy is generally defined as “the initiative for public good, focusing on the quality of life”. However: what is it, that motivates individuals to engage in philanthropy? And is there a difference between donors in the Northern versus the Southern Europe?


Jérôme Kohler, founder of l’Initiative Philanthropique, a French philanthropy consultancy and co-founder of the European Philanthropy Chair at ESSEC Business School, presented the outcome of two academic studies he conducted together with Marc Abélès, an anthropologist on behalf of BNP Paribas Wealth Management, regarding the philanthropic motivations of wealthy families in Europe. This qualitative survey, the first of its kind in Europe, has been carried out by interviewing more than 100 high-net-worth-individuals.


The study reveals a clear difference between donors in Southern Europe and those living in the northern part of the continent. While the first ones tend to remain deeply passionate, using their means as a reaction to a personal event or encounter, the latter ones are characterized as “reasoned and pragmatic philanthropists”. Their approach is marked by careful reflection and analysis of the situation.



Click on the picture to download the study (in English).




  • Startdatum : 05.02.2015
  • End-datum : 05.02.2015
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