Construction of a shelter home for young workers in the gold mines
Fondation Linckels-Voss - CLOSED
Poverty and Social Cohesion, Universal Education -
Focus area
Poverty , Education , Children & Youth -
Completed project -
The center is built for young people from the gold mine sites of the commune of Tougouri in Burkina Faso
About 700,000 children and youth between the ages of 5 and 18 work in the gold mines in Burkina Faso. These children are often victims of the worst forms of turmoil and are exposed to diseases and sexual abuse. they are deprived of their rights. Working more than 10 hours a day, they have little access to education: 86% never even attended school.
Fondation Dr Elvire Engel with the support of Fondation Linckels-Voss aim to support the young workers of the gold mines in the village of Tougourio by ensuring a safe future for them. This project aims to provide them with accommodation including food and clothing, medical and psychological care, as well as vocational training.
The foundation has a refuge in which these children can benefit from a three-year vocational and crafts training in six areas of activity: sewing, wood carpentry, metal carpentry, masonry, motor mechanics and rural and weaving. The youngest of them, who are not yet of age to attend this training, are referred to schools of the commune.
Copyright: Fondation Follereau