Friendship Education Program (Primary, Secondary & Adult/Adolescent) in the Chars on River Brahmaputra

ATOZ Foundation

Creating quality education for children, adolescents and adults on the remote Chars on the River Brahmaputra 


The environmental, social and financial limitations of the Char islands on River Barhmaputra makes high quality education a challenge. Dependable and functioning schools are difficult to find because of the remote location. 


The Friendship Education Program aims to strengthen those remote communities by giving the children living there access to quality education, which allows them to develop their skills and potential. In addition to the official government curriculum, the children are made aware of their rights and obligations. Local members of the communities are selected and trained to teach in the schools making the issue of location less relevant. As well as being able to attend classes, students also have the opportunity to borrow different books from the schools to read in their own time. 


The program targets children who would not otherwise have access to a formal education while giving priority to female students, as it is significantly more difficult for girls to travel to other chars or to the mainland to attend school. The program also includes an Adult and Adolescent Literacy Program which increases livelihood opportunities for people within the communities, while also inspiring parents to send their children to school and to support them in their studies. 


The Friendship Education program is vital for the communities on the chars of River Brahmaputra, giving children, adolescents and adults access to education as well as producing above-standard results compared to the national benchmark. 


Fondation de Luxembourg. Tous droits réservés