Reforesting and sustainable forest management in Senegal

The Mangrove Foundation


Unsustainable farming and deforestation by a growing population have increased the progression of the Sahara desert, resulting in increased poverty and environmental problems.


The desertification process is increased by the use of firewood for cooking. Extensive agriculture during the rain season prevents the natural reforestation.


Through the support of the Mangrove Foundation, in cooperation with SOS Sahel, a Luxembourg NGO, since 2011, 5200 trees have been planted over 9.25 ha., 1 ha of watermelons was planted, 300 clay ovens have been installed, resulting in a significant drop of firewood consumption and a huge interest of neighbouring villages.


The second phase of this project, (started in 2013), involves the extension to more villages, in particular :

  • extend the use of clay ovens to 44 villages for further decrease of firewood consumption
  • introduce reforesting by human protection and preservation of natural tree seedlings (=assisted natural regeneration)
  • waste disposal program






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