The Maor Ben Zion Project

The Maor Ben Zion Foundation


The aim of the project is to maximize the educational experience of children from lower socio-economic backgrounds by developing learning and behavioural skills at the early development years of the child.


Based on the neuro-developmental-functional approach developed by Dr. Rami Katz, the project concentrates on adapting the routine working of kindergartens to the individual needs of children. Schoolteachers are trained to better understand the neurological developmental needs of children and to adapt their teaching tools and methods to the individual needs of each child. In this way each child is provided with the experiences and stimuli that are most important for the advancement of its own functional capacities.


The project aims to provide a unique experience during the school day, without having to alter the curriculum of the kindergarten. By attending to the individual needs of the students in a classical environment the children don’t get the feeling of being exceptional which in turn, avoids the creation of stigmas that may lead to behavioural issues as a result. Special efforts are made to involve the parents in what is happening in the kindergartens, making them an active partner in the development of their children.


A book about the implementation of the neuro-developmental-functional approach (NDFA) was published in 2022 and can be read online by clicking the image below:




To watch the video about the project, please click on the image below.

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     Copyright: R. Katz  




Fondation de Luxembourg. Tous droits réservés