Fondation Pierre Werner 2020 Scholarships

Fondation Pierre Werner

These scholarships are intended to support research and study projects relating to European unification, monetary questions, democracy or human rights in all countries of the European continent.


At the meeting of the Fondation Pierre Werner management committee held on June 26, 2020, it was decided to grant the Pierre Werner Scholarships for the year 2020 to four candidates. This decision was based on the opinion of the pre-selection jury from the University of Luxembourg, composed of Prof. Dr. Katalin Ligeti, Prof. Dr. David Howarth, Prof. Dr. Joana Mendes, and Prof. Dr. Pierre Picard.


The successful candidates for 2020 are: 


  • Rana Cömertpay (Belgium, Turkey), with the subject “Essays on the Economics of Migration and Forced Displacement.”


  • Bastian Krieger (Germany), with the subject “Essays in Economics of Innovation.”


  • Roila Mavrouli (Greece), with the subject “La controverse constitutionnelle grecque sur l’article 120 § 4 en période de crise. Étude de la compétence controversée du peuple en tant qu’organe de l’Etat.”


  • Igor Tkalec (Croatia), with the subject “External drivers and internal outcomes: the effect of European Semester on adequate pensions in the euro area.”


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